Nick Believes in

Investing in Education and Our Workforce

As a former teacher and principal, Nick understands the critical role well-resourced schools and teachers play in the success of our community. As State Senator, he will invest in education through school renovations, expanded learning opportunities both in the classroom and outside the classroom, mental health support, and better compensation for educators.

Nick also knows that a high quality education system is critical to a strong workforce and economic prosperity. In 2020, as a member of the Lamont administration, Nick led the creation of Connecticut’s Office of Workforce Strategy that supports students and job seekers in finding high-quality jobs. It’s important we update curricula to meet job market demands, linking K-12 and higher education systems with job training programs.

But educating our workforce itself is not enough—we must also support our community members after they enter the workforce. Over 50% of Connecticut’s workers are parents, but young mothers often leave the workforce due to unaffordable childcare. Nick advocates for expanding access to high-quality childcare programs, which would help fill 100,000 vacant jobs in the state.

First Day of School


As a former teacher and acting principal of a nationally recognized, high performing middle school, Nick deeply understands how important quality schools and teachers positively impact our community.

Investing in our education—including school renovations, expanded learning and enrichment opportunities for students, and improved compensation and professional development for educators—is critical for the future of our children and our community.

60% of learning gaps for students today are caused by inequitable access to summer learning opportunities. Nick will advocate for universal access to quality summer and afterschool learning opportunities for every student in Connecticut.

We must do more as a community to support our young people with their mental health needs. In our district, Students are struggling with increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Schools often lack the necessary resources and trained personnel to provide adequate support. As a result, students’ academic performance and overall well-being suffer. Addressing this crisis requires improved mental health education and ensuring students have access to the care they need. By prioritizing mental health education, we can create a healthier, more supportive environment for all students.


In 2020, Nick led the effort from the Governor’s Office to create Connecticut’s Office of Workforce Strategy which provides critical resources to students and job seekers pursuing high quality employment. He has the experience to grow our economy, create more jobs, and invest in the future of our workforce.

Our district must rapidly adapt our curricula to reflect the evolving job market demands. We can address these issues by better connecting our K-12 and higher education systems, which are currently disjointed and disconnected. Nick’s plans include linking post-secondary education and job training programs, providing students with a head start on for-credit courses and workforce certificates in critical sectors.


Accessible childcare is critical infrastructure for parents to get back to work and facilitate the growth of our economy. Over 50% of workers in Connecticut are parents, and there is a significant drop-off in the labor force participation rate of young mothers who would like to work but lack access to affordable childcare.

Connecticut could make great strides in filling its 100,000 vacant jobs if we provided greater access to high-quality childcare. State spending on childcare generates a strong return on investment for our economy. Nick will advocate in the State Senate for these programs.

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